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My Books

My new book, Alpine Elixirs, is an updated version of Drink like the Swiss, including many more recipes and stories, as well as photos. Also available in French (Trinquer Suisse) and German (Schümli Pflümli).

My first cookbook, Hevetic Kitchen (red cover) was later updated and the second (and third!) edition were published, this time with photos.

See here for a peek into the book.

2022 Edition

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Original 2017 Edition

For all your Swiss Cookie needs, my cookie cookbook is available in English and German.

For more about the book, see here.

Drink like the Swiss

The original Drink like the Swiss, with my illustrations, from 2018.


Published by


Available in fine bookshops

and online.

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Praise for Helvetic Kitchen

What a wonderful book! Not just tasty traditional recipes but also lovely tidbits of information to go with each one. I think I hear my kitchen calling me!

From Älpler-Magronen to Züpfe via such staples as Papet Vaudois, Rösti and a wicked choccy cake from Basel, this great little book hits all the right buttons with its collection of super-easy, super-Swiss recipes - bravo Andie!"


Praise for Drink like the Swiss

Da flattert also ein wunderschönes Buch ins Haus mit Titel «Drink Like the Swiss». Darin das Einmaleins der Schweizer Trinkgewohnheiten und -traditionen. Um altehrwürdige Kräuterschnäpse geht es mitunter, um edle Brände, um Schweizer Besonderheiten wie etwa Rivella – und eben auch um Cocktails, die man mit alldem zubereiten kann.

Nun, nicht alle Drinks entsprechen unseren persönlichen Geschmacksvorlieben, doch das Buch an sich ist grossartig! Autorin ist die Kanadierin Andie Pilot (nö, weder Emily noch Oliver kannten sie), die bereits das grossartige Kochbuch «Helvetic Kitchen» herausgegeben hat und zudem den ebenso grossartigen Foodblog mit gleichem Namen betreibt.

Ha! Die beste Website zum Thema Schweizer Küche wird also von einer Ausländerin betrieben ... und was sagt das über die Schweiz aus? Ausländer sind super! F yeah 💪

This amusing little book is full of interesting facts and curious anecdotes about Swiss drinking culture. One discovers, for example, that absinthe originates in Switzerland, that Europe’s highest vineyard can be found in the Valais region, and that, by 1890, there were no fewer than 500 established beer breweries in little Switzerland. Written with a wink by a Canadian woman who has made Switzerland her home.