Schabziger Brötli
It was Globi, German-Switzerland’s beloved blue birdman mascot, that inspired me to make these Schabziger-heavy open-faced sandwiches that he calls Zibubrüütli. They are featured as representative of canton Glarus in his children’s cookbook of traditional Swiss recipes, Globi’s Schweizer Küche. (It’s quite an excellent cookbook, with recipes from all cantons. Plus it’s easy enough for kids but interesting enough for skilled cooks too).
The selling point for me was, of course, the Schabziger.
I love Schabziger, Glarus’ polarizing green cheese, and was glad to have an excuse to spread it all over the leftover Zopf and Pagnolbrot in my breadbox. Basically any toppings will do, even leftover Easter eggs (chicken not chocolate), whether raw then scrambled, or hard-boiled then egg saladed.
I hope in future that googling the words “Schabziger Brötli” will bring you to this recipe, in addition to this 2016 article on the Swiss Federal Council having an Apèro in Glarus.
For the butter
60 g butter, soft
30 g Schabziger
a little cream
To assemble:
toppings: tomatoes, onions, dried meats, scrambled eggs, avocado, peppers, etc.
Grate the Schabziger into the soft butter and mix well. If it is a bit thick, you can thin it out slightly with a drop of cream.
Spread onto bread (toasted, if desired) and load up on your toppings of choice.
Alternatively, you can just buy Zigerbutter (ZiBu) (below), or even Glarner Grüessli, which is a creamy Schabziger spread.
More Schabziger?
Schabziger and Swiss Chard Alfredo