Zopf à l'orange
Replace the milk with orange juice in a traditional Zopf, add dark chocolate, and you’ve got a delicious treat for brunch, or Zvieri.
Hi, I'm Andie.
I live near the Swiss Alps, in Bern, and I love not only melting cheese, but all kinds of Swiss cooking.
All in Swiss Bread
Replace the milk with orange juice in a traditional Zopf, add dark chocolate, and you’ve got a delicious treat for brunch, or Zvieri.
Ask someone from Zürich if they’ve ever had Zürcherbrot, and they might give you a blank stare—even though it’s the best-selling bread in the country.
Easily Switzerland's most famous bread, Zopf is enjoyed in all regions of the country, particularly the Emmental, where butter is treasured and added to the bread with abandon, and the braids are often giant and sold by the metre.
For a long time I only made three strand Zopfs, because I couldn’t master the traditional two-strand method.
Or my husband Sam would swoop in, cross his hands a couple times, and have a perfect two-strand braid.
The bready, raisin-studded delicacy that Swiss families enjoy on the sixth of January, but for a crowd.
Grittibänz, sweet doughy bread boys, accompany the visit from Samichlaus on December 6th.
Cheese from the alp is a powerful thing.
If you can get some Alpkäse for this recipe, rejoice. But if not, don't fret, really any hard Swiss cheese will do.
When I was in University I didn't have a fondue pot.
But my roommate Erin did.
Swiss families celebrate the sixth of January, Epiphany, by eating Dreikönigskuchen. This holiday celebrates the three kings finally reaching Bethlehem, and so a small plastic king figurine is baked into the bread. Whoever finds it is king for the day.
With a newborn at home, I've got 'wickel'-ing on the mind. So, when I saw this recipe in Tip Topf I thought it was a sign for me to make this Wickelkuchen.
It's onion time again.
Monday is once again Bern's famous Zibelemärit, or onion market. Farmers from all over Switzerland come and sell their oniony wares. So what better time than to make this delicious onion stuffed sheet bread.
The quality of Swiss milk is unparalleled. The act of taking the cows up to the Alps in the summer and letting them graze on fresh alpine meadows influences the delicious taste of the milk. However, it's not only the alpine pastures that make great milk, swissmilk lists several other reasons why Switzerland's milk is so good.
These luscious little breads, typically sprinkled with caraway seeds, have always been associated with Fastenzeit, Lent.